Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Amelia Chamerska

P7 Room 13 Flight
P7 Room 13 visited the Belfast City Airport on Tuesday 14th of April for a Bombardier Flight Project. Bombardier visited them and taught them about planes also the children made planes out of wood, thin paper, plastic wheels, plastic propeller and a rubber band.   
To begin with when the children arrived they got their tickets from their teacher. After they got their tickets they put their belongings in the tray then they went through security.                                     
Next they headed to the departure lounge where they waited for the plane. Meanwhile some children were talking to the police that came over to say good morning other children were talking in groups while they waited for the plane.                                                  
Then after waiting a while they headed to the plane and took a seat there was two seats on each side they put their seat belts on and as soon as the pilot stopped talking the plane moved into action. Some children shouted when the plane began to rise up in the air from the ground after a couple of minutes the stewardess was giving out water and juice to the children.                                                   
 After that they went to a Fire Station near the airport for some lunch. There were sandwiches, sausages, sausage rolls and more. Also they let the children try on a helmet and they got goodie bags too. After lunch the children saw the fire engine in action spraying water from the top of the fire fighters go down the pole.                                     
Finally after a fun and interesting day out they got onto the bus and drove back to school.
 By Amelia Chamerska
My opinions; I think it was a brilliant fun trip and interesting as well. My favourite moment was when the plane was up in the air because it doesn’t shake and you can see the beautiful skies.

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